The Best Teachers Are Those That Teach Us to Think

What is the best teacher like? It depends on how you look at it. Many students are disinterested in school. What is worse, there are many teachers who do not care if you understand them. So what is the most effective teaching method? That is the key question. A good teacher is someone who is able to make you interested in a subject. For example, until my first year in high school, I hated physics.

What is the best teacher like? It depends on how you look at it. Many students are disinterested in school. What is worse, there are many teachers who do not care if you understand them. So what is the most effective teaching method? That is the key question.

A good teacher is someone who is able to make you interested in a subject. For example, until my first year in high school, I hated physics. Now I have a teacher who made me understand a lot of things. It is true that teachers are supposed to teach us their subject, but they often do more than that. They give us an idea of the real world. What is more, they teach us how to use our knowledge in everyday life.

On the other hand, there are students who prefer memorizing instead of understanding. Students rather just memorize than actually understand. It is true that understanding is a longer process than memorizing, but nothing can compare with that feeling when you finally understand something. Another problem is that there are some students who are not as clever as their more intelligent schoolmates. They need more attention and explanation, but teachers do not have enough time for them.

In conclusion, I think that students need to think, not memorize. Unfortunately, there are still teachers who teach students to memorize a huge pile of information. They hope this will make students competent enough to compete in the modern world.