Living in Consumerist Society Is Better Than in a Primitive Culture

Nowadays people live in consumerist society and they support this kind of living every day. But is living in consumerist society better than in a primitive culture? This is the question we need to answer. It is hard to deny that consumerist society plays a vital role in our lives. First of all, there is more extensive and better product range for shoppers. It could be argued that this is the biggest advantage, because people are different from each other and, of course, have various needs.

Nowadays people live in consumerist society and they support this kind of living every day. But is living in consumerist society better than in a primitive culture? This is the question we need to answer.

It is hard to deny that consumerist society plays a vital role in our lives. First of all, there is more extensive and better product range for shoppers. It could be argued that this is the biggest advantage, because people are different from each other and, of course, have various needs. To that extent, it is true that consumerist society can improve their daily lives. In addition, there is a huge progress in medicine, which is changing the lives of patients, or in communication technologies.

One of the main principles of consumerist society is that people produce and buy much more than they actually need. What is more, money is the most important thing in their lives and it causes that society is becoming more materialistic. Because of their addiction to earning money, many people do not have enough time for their family, primarily for children, friends or hobbies. Some people also claim that the biggest disadvantage of living in consumerist society is using social network instead of face to face communication. On the other hand, people who live in a primitive culture, use only face to face communication or create things for everyday life on their own are often judged as some kind of hippies or unsocial oddballs.

To sum up, I would say that there are many convincing arguments for and against consumerist society, but there is no doubt that people need a change. While it is true that the big range of product can make their lives more interesting and valuable, I firmly believe that sometimes they need to stop and transform a daily routine into a brilliant way to enjoy life.