You have been asked to write a story for your student magazine. The story must begin with the following words. _Emma could not believe what she saw in front of her._

Emma could not believe what she saw in front of her. Her eldest brother, Robert was approaching her with blood covering his face and hands. She was shocked and speechless. Her body was shaking and her hands got sweaty. She ran away into the forest but he kept on chasing her non-stop.After bolting into the woods for hours, she couldn’t catch her breath anymore. She fell on her knees and gazed at the moon.

Emma could not believe what she saw in front of her. Her eldest brother, Robert was approaching her with blood covering his face and hands. She was shocked and speechless. Her body was shaking and her hands got sweaty. She ran away into the forest but he kept on chasing her non-stop.After bolting into the woods for hours, she couldn’t catch her breath anymore. She fell on her knees and gazed at the moon. Her eyes closed, she was too tired to walk out of there, maybe it was just really bad dream. She was supposed to be safe and sound at home with her beloved family. Somehow, a familiar voice struck and drove her back to reality. Her eyes were wide open again, staring at her bedroom ceiling. She ran her fingers through her hair, thankful that it was nothing but a nightmare.