«The expression of a person`s face is much more important than clothes that he wears on his back». Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not?

Nature developed our emotions over millions of years of evolution. As a result, our emotions have the potential to serve us today as a delicate and sophisticated internal guidance system. Our emotions alert us when natural human need is not being met, so we think the expression of a person`s face is much more important than clothes that he wears on his back. You can’t tell others what’s inside your backpack if you don’t know what’s in there yourself.

Nature developed our emotions over millions of years of evolution. As a result, our emotions have the potential to serve us today as a delicate and sophisticated internal guidance system. Our emotions alert us when natural human need is not being met, so we think the expression of a person`s face is much more important than clothes that he wears on his back.

  1. You can’t tell others what’s inside your backpack if you don’t know what’s in there yourself. Feelings the same way. Before you can share them with anyone, you have to figure out what feelings you have. To share your feelings with someone helps to organize your thoughts. This way you can understand yourself better and solve problems without help of other people.

  2. Sharing your emotions helps you when your feelings are good and when they aren’t so good. The way a person feels inside is important. It can be really hard not to tell anyone that you’re feeling sad, worried, or upset. Then, it’s just you and these bad feelings. If you keep feelings locked inside, it will influence on your behavior.

  3. Sharing feelings with others s can help you to the best of their ability and try to understand what you are going through. Our emotions are a valuable source of information. Our emotions help us make decisions. Studies show that when a person’s emotional connections are severed in the brain, he can not make even simple decisions. Why? Because he doesn’t know how he will feel about his choices. Keeping things bottled can be unhealthy and could lead to depression. If you don’t talk to someone, not everyone understands what you are going through, but opening up to others just to let your feelings out and vent about a problem that has been building is a great way to release all that tension that has been building for so long.

  4. Our emotions help us communicate with others. Our facial expressions, for example, can convey a wide range of emotions. If we look sad or hurt, we are signaling to others that we need their help. If we are verbally skilled we will be able to express more of our emotional needs and thereby have a better chance of filling them. If we are effective at listening to the emotional troubles of others, we are better able to help them feel understood, important and cared about.

  5. Emotions provide you with information about a situation that you want to change in some way to make it suit your needs better. For example, anger arises to help you see that there is something you think is unfair about a situation; guilt may arise to inform you that you have done something that doesn’t match your morals and values. Your emotions may also act as a form of self-communication, providing you with emotional information before your brain has had time to rationally process the concrete information it’s receiving from your senses. For example, when you see someone with a gun, your fear provides you with information that gets you moving before you have time to stop and think about how to respond.

  6. Some emotions are prompts for action. For example, anger arises when something is occurring that you don’t like, motivating you to act to change the situation. Another example is fear, which motivates you to flee, fight, freeze, or faint in order to survive when you are being threatened. In these situations, your emotions not only motivate you; they also prepare you to act by causing physiological changes in your body. For example, the adrenaline rush of anger causes your blood pressure to increase and your muscles to tense up, readying you for action; fear also does this, priming you to flee the situation or to stay and fight.

All things considered, we are convinced that the person`s emotions are very important in our life, so they are much more important than clothes that we wear on our back.