rich industrialised nations are responsible for global warming so it is their duty to find a remedy

The world’s land and oceans warmed by approximately 1 Celsius between 1880 and 2013. Nowadays, everybody knows that this phenomenon is called global warming and causing worldwide problems. Some people believe that rich industrialised countries should find a solution while others maintain that every country has to solve the problem. Firstly, rich countries should find a remedy, because they are releasing huge amount of greenhouse gases. In order to create energy these nations are usually using fossil fuels which is damaging our environment.

The world’s land and oceans warmed by approximately 1 Celsius between 1880 and 2013. Nowadays, everybody knows that this phenomenon is called global warming and causing worldwide problems. Some people believe that rich industrialised countries should find a solution while others maintain that every country has to solve the problem. Firstly, rich countries should find a remedy, because they are releasing huge amount of greenhouse gases. In order to create energy these nations are usually using fossil fuels which is damaging our environment. Factories dispose most of carbon dioxide and other emissions, which is bad for our ozone layer and in turn causes the global warming. Secondly, countries are responsible for their actions as well as people. If nations polluted the Earth with exhaust fumes, they could be guilty and find a remedy. On the other hand, we live in the same world so we have to solve problems together. It is clear that nothing can be done if nobody is involved, but global warming is such a thing, which can touch everyone. Moreover, developing countries are buying products and energy by industrialised one. The buyer should be responsible as well as the seller, so if you are using some kind of product made by other country you will be responsible too. In my view, it is impossible to give a definitive answer, as we cannot know for sure what can find the best remedy. On balance, however, I believe that every nation has to search for solution of this pr