Veganism - pros and cons

Nowadays, many people resign from eating products of animal origin. More and more restaurants serve cuisine for vegans. This diet has a lot of advantages for a healthy and natural environment, but it also has a few disadvantages. The most important benefit of not eating meat and other products of animal origin is prevention of dangerous diseases. Red meat and processed meat like ham and weiner have a lot of unhealthy fat for people.

Nowadays, many people resign from eating products of animal origin. More and more restaurants serve cuisine for vegans. This diet has a lot of advantages for a healthy and natural environment, but it also has a few disadvantages.

The most important benefit of not eating meat and other products of animal origin is prevention of dangerous diseases. Red meat and processed meat like ham and weiner have a lot of unhealthy fat for people. If we eat such meat very often we will be able to get sick for instance with cancer. According to statistical data, this meat increases the risk of getting diabetes about 48%. A further advantage of not eating products of animal origin is to save the natural environment. Animal breeding needs a lot of weather and energy, which is unhealthy for our environment. Besides giving up on eating meat, we lose production of CO2.

However, our body without meat and other products can be tired, because meat has a lot of protein. This fact is very important for sportsmen. Muscles are not in good form after hard training without protein. Secondly, meat includes vitamins which are not in other products. If we resign from eating meat, we will have a worse frame of mind. We also can have lacks of body.

Summing up, being a vegan has advantages and disadvantages. We are more and less healthy without these products, especially without meat. In my opinion, we should have a balanced diet and observe what our body needs.Nowadays, a lot of companies impose what their employees should wear. They often forbid showing tattoos or wearing something unusual. This rule has a few advantages, but also disadvantages.

One major advantage of having a dress code is to advertise a company. Employees have to wear the same or similar clothes. They have one colour, material or cut of outfit. Companies usually have a logo which can be on these clothes too. Employees become walking advertisements then. Besides, people do not have to think about what they should wear to work. They save their time in the morning for instance to sleep more.