Romanian Winter Season Traditions

In Romania, the winter holiday season is from December 24 to January 7. Highlights include: Christmas Day, New Year and Epiphany. In the Christmas’ Eve, Santa Claus (Moş Crăciun) delivers the presents. The Caroling During the Christmas’ Eve children to go caroling and the adults stay home to greet them. The children receive treats like candy, fruit, and sometimes even money in appreciation of their performance and as a sign of holiday good will.

In Romania, the winter holiday season is from December 24 to January 7. Highlights include: Christmas Day, New Year and Epiphany. In the Christmas’ Eve, Santa Claus (Moş Crăciun) delivers the presents.

The Caroling

During the Christmas’ Eve children to go caroling and the adults stay home to greet them. The children receive treats like candy, fruit, and sometimes even money in appreciation of their performance and as a sign of holiday good will.

The Star Carol

Children make a star using colored paper and then they put in its middle an icon of Jesus. While holding the star in the hands the children sing “The Star”.


Sorcova is a special bouquet used for New Year’s wishes early New Year’s morning. Children wish people a “Happy New Year!” while touching them lightly with this bouquet. After they have wished a Happy New Year to the members of their family, the children go to the neighbors and relatives. The children receive all kinds of treats such as: cakes, honeycombs, biscuits, candies, nuts, money.