

  • all about Lana del ray

    Uwielbiana i znienawidzona jednocześnie przez miliony. Jej enigmatyczność jednych przyciąga jak magnes, innych natychmiast odrzuca. Trudno jednak sobie wyobrazić dzisiejszą popkulturę bez tej postaci. Lana Del Rey prezentuje swoje kolejne studyjne dzieło Lust for Life i po raz pierwszy powraca do świata muzyki z radosnym wyrazem twarzy. Przynajmniej na okładce. Uśmiech przez łzy? Od wydania albumu Born to Die, który przyniósł Amerykance niebywały rozgłos, minęło już ponad pięć lat. Jej inspiracja latami 50.

  • The pros and cons of living in a consumerist society

    It is hard to deny that many economies is increasing very fast now. It is because we are developing into consumerist society. The best example is Japan, there people must have all, so they buy a lot of thinks. Their country is now very rich and that attract many people. In addition, poor people can take thinks, which are too old for us. Many of these thinks can be essential for their life.

  • You can never have too much money

    People say that you can never have too much money. But is it true that you can never have too much money? Is too much money a bad or a good thing? You can never have too much money. It means you can’t have too much of something. Regardless of how much people have, they always want more. People always want more than they have. With money people become greedy, they just want to earn much more.

  • sacked

    Addicted to the social network. With the popular of social media and modern means of communication, almost every staff has their own Facebook page as well as Twitter, Skype ID, etc, which makes a huge impact to the officer. Of course, the clearly benefit not only is the important role in the business but also improve the network relationship. However, for those who spend too much time for chatting or accessing Facebook, they need to be in the “red list”.


    The government should give money to everybody who does not have enough for day-to-day expenses, because the society in these days is very poor, and a lot of people do not have jobs to earn money. In the first place, when the poor people get money, they buy something necessary. For example they can buy food and maybe save some money for new clothes, and those things could save many lives.

  • Describe object

    I have had many good objects such as bike, laptop,… but I like my mobile phone most until now.This mobile phone has versatile usages and is very special to me. The first and foremost specialty of this device is that it lets me get connected with my family members and friends. Second, it is an amusement and recreational device that lets me play games and listen to music. Third, I can update my social networking profiles and get updates of my friend right from my cell phone.

  • freedom

    Freedom of choice is the ability to choose a topic that you are well versed in. This is your chance to get a good grade, and you should not miss this chance. So, do not even think about writing an essay on topic that you have no idea about. Take a moment and use the opportunity to choose the topic you really like. The process of choosing the topics should not take you much time.

  • 1.1: What is Philosophy?

    1.1: What is Philosophy? Learning objectives: · Understand the point of Plato’s Myth of the Cave · Be able to explain the importance of the philosophical perspectives of women and non-Western cultures Philosophy begins with wonder; we wonder about why we are here, and whether God exists, among other things. This wondering begins early in our lives. The word “philosophy” comes from two Greek roots, philein, “to love”, andsophia, meaning wisdom.

  • i want to be a doctor

    different peoples have different goals in their life. There are various professions like engineer, teacher, scientist, lecturer , doctor etc. But for achieving our aims we have to work from the very beginning. We also have to work very hard in proper way. Because without working sincerely we can’t achieve our set targets in our life. But for all these things we have to know our strength and weakness. The strength in a subject must be kept in mind for choosing the right path of success.

  • Оскар Уайльд - біографія, життєвий і творчий шлях

    Неподалік від Великої Британії, на одному з островів, розташована країна, яка завжди боролася за свою незалежність, — Ірландія. Тут зберігають давні традиції, однією з яких є національне свято — День святого Гіатрика. Згідно з легендою, святий Патрик приніс в Ірландію християнську віру й позбавив країну від різних бід. Де б не опинилися ірландці, вони скрізь святкують цей день, символом якого став зелений трилисник. Національною гордістю цієї країни є письменник Оскар Уайльд, який народився в столиці Ірландії м.