

  • La percepción del tiempo

    La percepción del tiempo Para la literatura contemporánea el tiempo no transcurre de forma cronológica, es decir, no se escribe respetando indefectiblemente el tiempo real. Por ende, pueden existir relatos que comienzan por el final para rápidamente relatar el inicio, o bien pueden presentarse otros donde se comienza por la mitad de la historia, luego se aportan datos para luego contar el inicio y finalmente el final. Fuente:

  • My visit to the local supermarket

    Your local newspaper is running a consumer writing competition. The prize is 200$ worth of groceries. Write an article describing a visit to your local supermarket and explain why you would / wouldn’t recommend it to others. I go to my local supermarket almost every day and I am always satisfied of everything. Now I am going to describe my casual visit there. My supermarket is situated so close to my house that I don’t need a car to get there and I think that it is an advantage when doing everyday shopping.

  • A train journey

    How pleasant is the memory of my last journey! It is still fresh in my mind. There is special reason why this train journey is a source of joy for me. During the last summer vacation, I received an invitation from my friend to spend the vacation at Allahabad. The idea of journey is filled my heart with pleasure. I at once started preparation for the journey. At last the day came when I was to leave for Allahabad.

  • Start Writing Fiction Extract used in ‘Reading Novakovich’. Josip Novakovich – Fiction Writer’s Workshop

    Start Writing Fiction Extract used in ‘Reading Novakovich’ Josip Novakovich – Fiction Writer’s Workshop Character Most people read fiction not so much for plot as for company. In a good piece of fiction you can meet someone and get to know her in depth, or you can meet yourself, in disguise, and imaginatively live out and understand your passions. The writer William Sloan thinks it boils down to this: ‘Tell me about me.

  • Sentimental Journey

    “The face of sentmental hero according to Yorick” major: English philology Adviser: Doctor of Philology, associated professor Lasha Chakhvad Tbilisi 2017 Lawrence Sterne was English novelist and humorist. His novels always shows soft and strong critics of human being. His first famous novel was “Tristram Shandy” which became very popular. Then he published “A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy”, which expressed his visions and thoughts completely. It was published in two volumes by Lawrence Sterne in 1768.

  • Pros and cons of visiting local supermarket

    Cons Over packaged foods Highly processed foods Food additives and preservatives used frequently to make sub-standard food taste and look better than it otherwise would Supermarkets are not accountable to the local communities in which they are located Destruction of the high street Hyperactivity link to food additives Food security issues – centralised distribution systems create vulnerability to rising fuel prices and conflicts Convenience foods such as pre-washed bagged salads may have been through several processes such as frequent treatment with pesticides, irradiation and chlorine washes Global markets hurt small scale suppliers Food miles vastly increased by importing exotic and/or out-of-season fruit and vegetables (Many more!

  • Cars should be banned from the center of majors cities

    Today cars play an important role in our life, in fact we are totally dependent by cars and many people have more than one car in their house. So someone has proposed to ban the cars from majors cities, therefore I want to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this proposal. First of all, it is true that a growing number of cars in the cities lead to a several problem such as pollution, traffic and noise.

  • Jack and Tom

    As Jack and Tom put up their tent, they didn’t notice the big sign. It was dark and they had been hitting from the forest all day. They were so tired, they just climbing to their sleeping bags. In the middle of the night, they were woken by straight noise on the other side of the tent. Jack turn up his taugh and bravy stucked his head to look.He could hear an animal but he couldn’t see anything, he decided to make a fire.


    Mein Traumhaus ist groß , umgeben von einem schönen Garten und befindet sich am Rande einer Großstadt . Es verfügt über eine Garage und einen Pool. Der Garten wächst eine Menge von Blumen gibt es auch Obstbäume und Sträucher. Das Haus ist Stockwerken. Im Erdgeschoss gibt es ein Wohnzimmer mit einem bequemen Sofa und Stühlen, einem großen Fernseher und einen Kamin. Angrenzend an das Wohnzimmer ist eine Küche und ein Esszimmer.

  • In der Cafeteria

    Samuel: Entschuldigung, ist hier noch frei? Taggart: Ja, bitte. Ah! Kristy, Samuel. Wie geht’s? Kristy: Sehr gut, danke. Samuel: Was machst du hier? Taggart: Ich mache die Deutschhausaufgaben. Kristy: Was trinkt ihr? Ich möchte Cappuccino. Samuel: Ich möchte Latte. Taggart: Ich habe Hunger…ach, ich möchte ein Kuchen. Samuel: OK. Ich bestelle. Kristy: Wie findet ihr den Deutschkurs? Taggart: Ich finde er ist interesant und praktisch. Samuel: Ich auch. Aber, Deutsch ist ganz schoen schwer.