Coraz więcej młodych Polaków decyduje się wyjechać na Wyspy Brytyjskie w celu podjęcia studiów. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony tego zjawiska.

After Poland become a member of Europen Union, Polish citizens obtain chance to live, study and work abroad without any problems. A lot of our students decided to study in Great Britain, because of high level of education. This phenomenon has both advantages and disadvantages. First of all, students that decided to study abroad become a valuable person for employers. They have to speak whole time in foreign language so they improve their speaking abilities and get solid education.

After Poland become a member of Europen Union, Polish citizens obtain chance to live, study and work abroad without any problems. A lot of our students decided to study in Great Britain, because of high level of education. This phenomenon has both advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, students that decided to study abroad become a valuable person for employers. They have to speak whole time in foreign language so they improve their speaking abilities and get solid education. Secondly after they back to Poland, they bring with them a lot of experiences and good patterns. So they can introduce them in our country. Thus whole society can take adventage from that. Moreover, they become the representants of our country and they can encourage foreigner to visit our beautiful land.

On the other hand, if too many young people choose studing in Great Britain than in our high schools, our level of education will decrease. Our school will lost the most talented students. Furthermore, there is a possibility, that person who decided to study abroad will stay there for longer peried, even forever. So Poland will lost good employee and our potential will decrease. What is more, sometimes a studnet can overrate his capability and then he may not manage abroad.

To sum up, I would like to say that phenomenon that more and more Polish study in Great Britain have more adventages then disadventages. However our goverment have to provide our studnets reason that will motivate them do come back to Poland.