Krótki opis ostatnio przeczytanej książki (opis książki po angielsku)

Wanda Półtawska’s book is a collection of memories from the concentration camp in Ravensbrück. The author was imprisoned and tortured there. After her homecoming she couldn’t get rid of her terrible memories. That memories were coming back in nightmares. That’s why the book is entitled „And I am afraid of dreams”. Using her teacher’s advices, Wanda decided to write down all her memories about what she had been going through. That’s how that amazing diary came into being.

Wanda Półtawska’s book is a collection of memories from the concentration camp in Ravensbrück. The author was imprisoned and tortured there. After her homecoming she couldn’t get rid of her terrible memories. That memories were coming back in nightmares. That’s why the book is entitled „And I am afraid of dreams”. Using her teacher’s advices, Wanda decided to write down all her memories about what she had been going through. That’s how that amazing diary came into being. The action takes place in 1941 – 1945, during the World War II. The book includes a lot of personal and intimate experiences. It’s a kind of a biographical, documentary and a psychological novel. It provokes thoughts about humanity and how much a man can endure. In my opinion the main character deserves to be respected. Her behavior can be an example for us, how to deal with that savage treatment. Despite her hopeless position she could maintain her sense of humor. The book is full of pain, homesickness and hope. But it contains funny moments, too. I recommend this amazing book to every sensitive person.