Kupon na wykonanie skoku na bungee lub skoku ze spadochronem stał się ostatnio popularnym prezentem urodzinowym wśród młodzieży. Czy taki prezent to dobry pomysł?

Slightly extreme birthday gifts are recently becoming more and more popular among adolescents. Is that an outstanding idea or just another hopeless attempt to demonstrate the teen courage? The first thing to consider is a point of view of the birthday person. Before you buy a gift of, for example, skydiving or bungee jumping, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. How would you feel when given such an opportunity?

Slightly extreme birthday gifts are recently becoming more and more popular among adolescents. Is that an outstanding idea or just another hopeless attempt to demonstrate the teen courage? The first thing to consider is a point of view of the birthday person. Before you buy a gift of, for example, skydiving or bungee jumping, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. How would you feel when given such an opportunity? Is that really a thing you would like to try? However, you must remember, that the rest of the society doesn’t always share your opinion! Giving such presents is a great risk, and if you don’t know the birthday person well enough, you’d better consider other options. Nevertheless, it’s generally true, that lots of teenagers would like to try a similar activity, but they are never convinced enough to book such an opportunity themselves. And it’s actually quite expensive, which is another reason to postpone this decision. In their case, being given such possibility would resolve the doubts and fulfill one of their dreams. To conclude, buying your friend a present, which demands some toughness and bravery, is not always the best idea. You should know him really well and be sure, that he truly wants to make use of it. If there is even a tiny chance that you’d be wrong, just give up and try to find another gift. But if you manage to meet his will, it might be the best birthday present he’d ever get.