Niektóre szkoły średnie pozwalają uczniom zdecydować, których przedmiotów będą się uczyć w klasie maturalnej. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety takiego rozwiązania.

Today’s some high schools let their students to choose which subjects they will learn in last year before examination. This idea has a many of pros and cons. Now I will discuss about it. First of all, most of students are 18 years old and they want to decide about themselves. This is a good life school about decisions and their consequences. It is a very helpful skill in adult life.

Today’s some high schools let their students to choose which subjects they will learn in last year before examination. This idea has a many of pros and cons. Now I will discuss about it. First of all, most of students are 18 years old and they want to decide about themselves. This is a good life school about decisions and their consequences. It is a very helpful skill in adult life. Secondly students should be able to choose what they want to learn. Many of subjects in high schools are unnecessary. Students are wasting their time for something what they don’t need in life. Maybe I should give some example, if you want to take math and physic in school leaving exams you don’t need knowledge about culture or religion. Without this subjects you have more time to learn about that what you want. On the other hand if school will let students decide what they want to learn it can cause raising people without basic knowledge about their own history or culture. If they choose to learn only about scientific subjects, (they – nie wiem czym to tutaj zastąpić) won’t be able to write without mistakes or enjoy reading novels. To sum up I will agree with that students should decide what they want to learn, but they should also get overall knowledge.