Kupon na wykonanie skoku na bung ee lub skoku ze spadochronem stał się ostatnio popularnym prezentem urodzinowym wśród młodzieży. Czy taki prezent to dobry pomysł ?

Extreme sports are immensely fashionable no wadays. It is hardly a wonder then that a voucher for a bungee jump has recently become a popular present among teenagers. I personally find the voucher an original id ea, however, before making such a purchase we should think twice whether the gift will be appreciated. To celebrate a special occasion we search for something extraordinary. A bungee jump – with its promise of total freedom and a huge adrenaline boost – will undoubtedly be a great choice.

Extreme sports are immensely fashionable no wadays. It is hardly a wonder then that a voucher for a bungee jump has recently become a popular present among teenagers. I personally find the voucher an original id ea, however, before making such a purchase we should think twice whether the gift will be appreciated. To celebrate a special occasion we search for something extraordinary. A bungee jump – with its promise of total freedom and a huge adrenaline boost – will undoubtedly be a great choice. Rarely can teenagers expect such a presen t from their relatives so such a gift will offer them a chance of a memorable adventu re. The relatively high cost is a clear disadvantage; however, it decreases signifi cantly when shared with others. Obviously, for the risk-taker the voucher w ill be an exciting challenge allowing them to experience life on the edge. Yet, for the fa int-hearted it might become a real burden. What if the person does not dare to do it? Suppose they think it is a malicious attempt to test their courage? Peer pressure mi ght make the person jump, but it will be done to avoid losing face rather than for the sheer pleasure of it. All in all, no matter how attractive the idea seems for the buyer, in my opinion, the decision should always be made with the recipient in mind. It might be an unforgettable present, but it might also be remembered for a reason other than the intended one.