'Współczesny tryb życia wymaga ciągłego korzystania ze zdobyczy technologicznych. Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz i uzasadnisz swoją opinię na temat" w dzisiejszych czasach telefon komórkowy stał się niezbędnym elementem zycia codziennego

These days we are all in love with mobile phones. In my view it is necessary part of our lifes. It seems obvious that being an owner of a cellphone has advantages. First of all it is small and portable which means I can take it with me everywhere. Secondly, no doubts that having an Internet access in a mobile phone is a big plus. With one tap I can download music, gamer or check my e-mail.

These days we are all in love with mobile phones. In my view it is necessary part of our lifes. It seems obvious that being an owner of a cellphone has advantages. First of all it is small and portable which means I can take it with me everywhere. Secondly, no doubts that having an Internet access in a mobile phone is a big plus. With one tap I can download music, gamer or check my e-mail. What is more it helps us comunicate faster. Through one application I can call my uncle or brother that is on the other side of the world and often it does not need extra fees. Most of people would agree that owning a cellphone has disadvantages too. One of the biggerst is that it can become a habit. Neither we must be careful with them becuase it is easy to break super thin mobile phone. To sum up despite the disadvantages I feel like mobile phones nowadays have a lot of options. In my view it gives us a lot of comfort and make life easier