Opis wydarzenia z przeszłości

It was very a long time ago, when I was 10 years old parents became nervous on me since I smashed a pane with ball to the leg for neighbour at home. The entire situation took place in holidays, we left with the friend to play football to the court, however was closed. We went then to the second smaller court, which, a place had neighbours by the house. The match was exciting, and we busy with the game we didn’t keep an eye on nothing else apart from the ball.

It was very a long time ago, when I was 10 years old parents became nervous on me since I smashed a pane with ball to the leg for neighbour at home. The entire situation took place in holidays, we left with the friend to play football to the court, however was closed. We went then to the second smaller court, which, a place had neighbours by the house. The match was exciting, and we busy with the game we didn’t keep an eye on nothing else apart from the ball. At some point I kicked the ball very firmly and she hit on the pane at home beside. The neighbour went out and started shouting at me and the moment later went to tell parents about the entire event. parents were very bad on me and I had to pay money for the pane back.