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Hello Pawel! My grandparents just had a wedding anniversary ! Organized for them a party at our house . What a pity that it was not . They invite all our family and many friends. They received great gifts from guests. . And if you want to know is the best gift for them was a trip to Paris. At the beginning of dinner grandfather gave us an incredibly emotional speech about this , when I first saw my grandmother .

Hello Pawel!

My grandparents just had a wedding anniversary ! Organized for them a party at our house . What a pity that it was not . They invite all our family and many friends. They received great gifts from guests. . And if you want to know is the best gift for them was a trip to Paris. At the beginning of dinner grandfather gave us an incredibly emotional speech about this , when I first saw my grandmother . The story begins in the park. One day my grandfather went for a walk , it was July .i grandmother also when she was sitting on a park bench and reading a book dog tore me off the leash and and jumped into her lap and that’s how they met . Unbelievable , is not it ? How’s your family ? Are they all right? I can not wait to get your message back .

Greetings to you and your family