My essay is about the hunger in the world and how can we prevent it. This topic is a very broad topic and I could write on and on about it. It is the cause of many deaths in Africa and other continents like South America. It usually happens in the less economically developed countries due to the fact that they have less money that can be used as help for preventing hunger.

My essay is about the hunger in the world and how can we prevent it. This topic is a very broad topic and I could write on and on about it. It is the cause of many deaths in Africa and other continents like South America. It usually happens in the less economically developed countries due to the fact that they have less money that can be used as help for preventing hunger.
Hunger is a very sad thing that doesn’t effect me personally but it affects me mentally. It is not only because of the bad economy but also the fact that the government of the less economically developed countries aren’t putting as much effort in the prevention of hunger as they could. Africa is a very affected by hungerR due to its limits to water and medication. It could probably count on my hands the amount of countries in Africa that don’t suffer from hunger. We could prevent hunger in a bigger way by giving money to organizations that go to Africa and help with limiting hunger. There are even few sixties on which you could actually adopt a child and basically what that means is that you pay to the family of this child every month you can also send food, cloths or other things that might be needed.
A lot of people aren’t aware of how big the problem of hunger actually is and they don’t feel the need of helping these people. To preventt hunger we should also have better education about hunger so that from the smallest age these kids will know how much luck do they have by being born in a good ,healthy home. My hopes and dreams are that in the near future people will realize that we can’t behave like this ad we need to help them otherwise we might all end up dead.