Wiele młodych niepełnosprawnych osób uważa , że ich problemy życiowe są całkowicie obce ich rówieśnikom co prowadzi do społecznego wykluczenia
A lot of young disabled people think that their life’s problem are entirely foreign to their peers ipso facto it leads to social exlusion of disabled youth. In my essay I would like to propose some solutions of this problem. First of all I will present some global ways . I claim that the media should have more ‘signed’ TV programmes it is a certain convenience for the deaf, and by the way this should not disturb other people.
A lot of young disabled people think that their life’s problem are entirely foreign to their peers ipso facto it leads to social exlusion of disabled youth. In my essay I would like to propose some solutions of this problem. First of all I will present some global ways . I claim that the media should have more ‘signed’ TV programmes it is a certain convenience for the deaf, and by the way this should not disturb other people. Also the government should provide special grants for school in which are disabled children . For money school administrators would buy ramp or build wide doorways . Secondly I am of the opinion thatschools should organize integration , in order that disabled ,young people don’t feel isolated from other. I am sure it would be a good idea to arrange „Day of understanding” and bring the problem of blind and deaf and mute to wholesome.In that day healthy children would divide into three groups : first will be wearing blindflods , the other one will be having ear plugs and the last one will be trying to not talk all day . Such experience could give an idea of what they disabled peers have to cope every day . To sum up I think that the best solution is to become more tolerant and sensitive to people with problems through out chat with them and try to understand . We can’t bury our head in the sand everyone if it is possible should help disabled people . This will strengthen their mental and let breake the ice with peers