List w sprawie pracy jako tłumacz.
Dear Sir Madam. I am interested in working as a translator in your company. I found your advertisement in today’s newspaper under the heading Urgent election. I am eighteen years old and attends high school in absentia. I admit I do not have any experience needed for this work but the last six years learning the English language. I still have in this subject very well. I think I’m an open and deal with each task and I will be able to talk with each and on various topics.
Dear Sir Madam. I am interested in working as a translator in your company. I found your advertisement in today’s newspaper under the heading Urgent election. I am eighteen years old and attends high school in absentia. I admit I do not have any experience needed for this work but the last six years learning the English language. I still have in this subject very well. I think I’m an open and deal with each task and I will be able to talk with each and on various topics. I am available every day of the week at number 888 666 542 mobile. I can also give e-mail dmn1993@op.pl. The conversation qualifying we arrange the most convenient time for you. I hope you get yourself to me to decide.
Drodzy Panstwo. Jestem zainteresowany praca na stanowisku tlumacza w waszej firmie. Panstwa ogloszenie znalazlem w dzisiejszej gazecie wyborczej w rubryce PILNE. Mam osiemnascie lat i uczeszczam do zaocznego liceum. Przyznam ze nie mam zadnego doswiadczenia potrzebnego do tej pracy ale od szesciu lat ucze sie jezyka angielskiego. Miewam z tego przedmiotu bardzo dobre wyniki. Mysle ze jestem osoba otwarta i poradze sobie z kazdym zadaniem jak i bede potrafil porozmawiac z kazdym i na rozne tematy. Jestem dostepny w kazdy dzien tygodnia pod numerem komórkowym 888666542. Moge podac takze e-maila dmn1993@op.pl . Na rozmowe kfalifikacyjna mozemy sie umowic w najbardziej dogodnym terminie dla panstwa. Mam nadzieje ze panstwo sie na mnie zdecyduja.