Muzeum opis, jak muzeum powinno wyglądać współczesnie, aby zachęcić młodzież

I have been in a wide variety of museums. Most of them were amazingly interesting. I could see an eighteenth century armour or guns and incredibly vivid battle scenes. It was really interesting for everyone even for children and old people. We could touch and see (z bliska)it all. There was also something for boys. They could try on armours and they could feel like really soldier on the battlefield. The atmosphere was filling all interior/inside and made us fascinated/bewitched.

I have been in a wide variety of museums. Most of them were amazingly interesting. I could see an eighteenth century armour or guns and incredibly vivid battle scenes. It was really interesting for everyone even for children and old people. We could touch and see (z bliska)it all. There was also something for boys. They could try on armours and they could feel like really soldier on the battlefield. The atmosphere was filling all interior/inside and made us fascinated/bewitched.

Today’s museums should be more modern and geared to young people to encourage them to come more often. If I was a museum’s planner I would build a small cinema where you could see documentary films. I believe that this kind of transmission is very easy to remember for the young, as all you need to do is to sit and listen trying to remember the most important facts. I think that there is nothing better like a small cinema.

In the museum I would put many exhibits as nothing can speak like a vivid object that can be touched and seen…