W ramach kursu językowego na Malcie zaproponowano Ci przygotowanie zajęć sportowych dla koleżanek i kolegów. Napisz zaproszenie na to spotkanie, w którym: 1.poinformujesz jakiego rodzaju zajęcia zaplanowałeś 2.napiszesz gdzie i kiedy odbędą si

I would like to invite you to the sports activities. The planned sports activities are: volleyball, basketball, football and cycling. These activities will be held on Friday in the public park on Wall Street. Please, bring with you sports outfit. I encourage you to take part in these exercises because you will be healthier. XYZ

I would like to invite you to the sports activities. The planned sports activities are: volleyball, basketball, football and cycling. These activities will be held on Friday in the public park on Wall Street. Please, bring with you sports outfit. I encourage you to take part in these exercises because you will be healthier. XYZ