Pieniądze szczęścia nie dają. (Money doesn’t bring happiness). Czy to powiedzenie ma rację bytu we współczesnym świecie? Napisz rozprawkę, w której odpowiesz na to pytanie i rozważysz argumenty za i przeciw.

Nowadays more and more people are concentrated on earning money. This is indispensable to ensure food and other necessary things for their family. Life without sufficient amount of money becomes a real problem, but does money bring happiness these days? Firstly, owning a big fortune let us make our dreams come true. Travel to another country or continent costs a lot and most of the ordinary people can’t afford it. Admiring beautiful sights and sightseeing tour is impossible for them.

Nowadays more and more people are concentrated on earning money. This is indispensable to ensure food and other necessary things for their family. Life without sufficient amount of money becomes a real problem, but does money bring happiness these days? Firstly, owning a big fortune let us make our dreams come true. Travel to another country or continent costs a lot and most of the ordinary people can’t afford it. Admiring beautiful sights and sightseeing tour is impossible for them. Secondly, we can buy everything we would like to have. It’s an opportunity to improve our skills by enrolling for diffrent courses, especially language ones or just take care of children’s education by studying in reputable universities. We don’t have to worry about food and cures if someone got sick. On the other hand, there are some priceless things we can’t buy such as love or friendship. They require devotion, trust and need to be cultivated. Nothing is going to replace a close friend who stand by you when you are in trouble. Loneliness is the worst feeling we can experience. Even if you are wealthy, it’s difficult to be happy when you can’t share your success or happiness with relatives. In addition, in some situations money are worthless, especially when it refers to incurable diseases. In same cases money doesn’t help and the most important dream is to be healthy. To sum up, in my opinion money doesn’t bring happiness. Today, such sentence isn’t believed by lots of us. We should forget about it and think what is really important for us. Money are needed to ensure some necessary things, but the most important ones are priceless.