Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii który wkrótce zamierza Cię odwiedzić. W swoim liście: wyraź zadowolenie z planowanego przyjazdu kolegi do Polski i poradź mu co powinien ze sobą zabrać wspomnij o przyjęciu które zamierzasz zorganizować podczas

Dear John, How are you? How it’s going? I’m very happy, becouse you will visit me. I will show you my country. I think that you should take a warm clothes, becouse in Poland we have a winter and it’s cold outside. I organise party. We have a winter holidays in Poland. This is good chance to organise a party for my feirnds and for you. I hope that you will come to this party.

Dear John,

How are you? How it’s going? I’m very happy, becouse you will visit me. I will show you my country. I think that you should take a warm clothes, becouse in Poland we have a winter and it’s cold outside.

I organise party. We have a winter holidays in Poland. This is good chance to organise a party for my feirnds and for you. I hope that you will come to this party. What date will be good for you?

I want organise this party in my house. This is good place, becouse I have a big living-room and my hous in near the shop. This is good location for a party. What do you think about it? you have some ideas?

When I visited you last summer I lose my bag into your house. Can you bring it to me? I will be happy if you could. I will be waiting for you at the airport, I promise.

Best wishes, XYZ