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Have you ever wondered about being a woman? Or if you were the woman can you imagine your life in the role of the man? It is thought that everyone has various duties; however, I do not think that women have better and easier life. Firstly, being the woman is connected with the fact that most of them will be expecting a baby. Pregnancy and delivery is undoubtedly the most painful span in their life.

Have you ever wondered about being a woman? Or if you were the woman can you imagine your life in the role of the man? It is thought that everyone has various duties; however, I do not think that women have better and easier life. Firstly, being the woman is connected with the fact that most of them will be expecting a baby. Pregnancy and delivery is undoubtedly the most painful span in their life. Bringing up a child is one of their chores on the grounds that they are usually more protective; consequently, mothers have better contact with children than fathers. It goes without saying that it is linked with restless nights at first. Women need to be resistant and deal with many difficulties respecting custody of the baby. Apart from taking care of children, it is believed that woman should do the housework. If they have a job, they need to find enough time for instance to do the ironing or prepare a meal as well. Their life seems to be difficult therefore not everyone can combine working and duties at home. On the other hand, not only do woman take care of family but also men. They should share their chores and help each other. What is more, women usually do not have to work physically due to the fact they are not strong enough. All things considered, women’s life can be quite difficult and I agree with that statement. Although, people should cope with every problem and do not surrender.