List egzamin gimnazjalny klasa III

Dear Matthew ! I’m writting to you because I’ve just come back from a school trip. I was in Rome in Italy. It’s a wonderfull city. We met people from different countries There were many churches of early Christianity. Everyday we get up at seven o’clock, eat breakfast and we visit the city. In the evening we come back to hotel and we eat dinner. Last day we met pope on a General Audience.

Dear Matthew !

I’m writting to you because I’ve just come back from a school trip. I was in Rome in Italy. It’s a wonderfull city. We met people from different countries There were many churches of early Christianity. Everyday we get up at seven o’clock, eat breakfast and we visit the city. In the evening we come back to hotel and we eat dinner. Last day we met pope on a General Audience. It was main attraction of our trip.  We prayed for the health and good results in exam. I hope everything is fine. 

Love, XYZ