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At the doctor’s Jacob: Good morning. Doctor: Good morning. What’s the matter? Jacob: I’m not feeling well, doctor. I have got a terrible headache and I feel sick. I can’t eat anything. I’ve been vomiting the whole morning. Doctor: I see. Have you got raised temperature? Jacob: I don’t know. I haven’t checked but I’m feeling hot. Doctor: Let me take your temperature then. Doctor: Well, I think you suffer from food poisoning.

At the doctor’s Jacob: Good morning. Doctor: Good morning. What’s the matter? Jacob: I’m not feeling well, doctor. I have got a terrible headache and I feel sick. I can’t eat anything. I’ve been vomiting the whole morning. Doctor: I see. Have you got raised temperature? Jacob: I don’t know. I haven’t checked but I’m feeling hot. Doctor: Let me take your temperature then. Doctor: Well, I think you suffer from food poisoning. Did you eat something bad? Jacob: I cannot remeber. Doctor: I will check one more thing. Does it hurt when I touch here? Jacob: No. Doctor: Good. It isn’t appendicitis then. Jacob: What should I do now? Doctor: I will prescribe you some medicine. You must take it twice a day. You will feel better as soon as you start taking it and should recover completely in a week’s time. Then I want you to see me again. Jacob: Thank you, doctor. Doctor: You don’t have to stay in bed but don’t overdo things. And I think that some fresh air will do you good. Jacob: Right.