Rozmowa na stacji kolejowej [Angielski]

A. Good morning B. Good morning, Can I help you? A. I’d like to buy one ticket from Kraków for the evening train, please. B. Are you a student? A. No, but I have 30% discount for learner. B.Do you want single or return ticket? A. Single please. B. OK. So that’s 5 pounds sixty-five. A. Here you are. B. There’s your ticket and your change. A. Thanks very much. Which platform does the train leave from?

A. Good morning B. Good morning, Can I help you? A. I’d like to buy one ticket from Kraków for the evening train, please. B. Are you a student? A. No, but I have 30% discount for learner. B.Do you want single or return ticket? A. Single please. B. OK. So that’s 5 pounds sixty-five. A. Here you are. B. There’s your ticket and your change. A. Thanks very much. Which platform does the train leave from? B. Platform 4 at Twenty past seven. A. Thanks, goodbay.