Which English-speaking country would you like to visit and why?

Im almost sure that in future i would like to visit England. It’s english speaking country where i guess most people use that language fluent, What’s more i love british accent. Its totally pretty for me and i could listen to that all day. In England is a lot of foreigners, included polish people so it means it would be much easier for me to go there because my english is not best and i could always ask for help someone from Poland.

Im almost sure that in future i would like to visit England. It’s english speaking country where i guess most people use that language fluent, What’s more i love british accent. Its totally pretty for me and i could listen to that all day. In England is a lot of foreigners, included polish people so it means it would be much easier for me to go there because my english is not best and i could always ask for help someone from Poland. The main reason why i would go there is possibility for improving my english skills. I have always learnt english at school and i would like to check if it is enough in contacts with english speakers and for living there. I want to know if i can think and react so fast, whats more if i know enough words and grammar rules. I also could learn their slang and try to pronounce in the way they do which as i said i love. I hope one day that dream will come true and i will even visit that country.