
Bibliography : I. Literature entity 1 Dukaj Jacek , Black oceans. Krakow: Publisher literary , Sp. z.o.o. 2010 2 Stanislaw Lem , Solaris . Warsaw: Mediasat , 2004 3 Piekara Jacek , Flame and cross. New York: Words Factory , 2008 pp. 105-205 4 Piekara Jacek , Hunter souls. New York: Words Factory , 2009 pp. 81-131 II. Literature 1 Lem , Stanislaw . Fantasy and Futurology . T. 1 Warsaw : Agora 2009 p 97 2 Sapkowski , Andrzej .

Bibliography :

I. Literature entity 1 Dukaj Jacek , Black oceans. Krakow: Publisher literary , Sp. z.o.o. 2010 2 Stanislaw Lem , Solaris . Warsaw: Mediasat , 2004 3 Piekara Jacek , Flame and cross. New York: Words Factory , 2008 pp. 105-205 4 Piekara Jacek , Hunter souls. New York: Words Factory , 2009 pp. 81-131

II. Literature 1 Lem , Stanislaw . Fantasy and Futurology . T. 1 Warsaw : Agora 2009 p 97 2 Sapkowski , Andrzej . The Manuscript Found in Dragon’s Cave . Warsaw: Supernova 2005 3 Sapkowski , Andrzej . Pirog or do not have the gold in the Grey Mountains [ online] [Accessed 23 February 2013 ] . Available on the World Wide Web:


introduction Science fiction is the literature that shows the world presented unrealistic from the perspective of the reader , but consistent with scientific knowledge . Fantasy literature is different from science fiction that occur in the supernatural and all that is unexplained explains the magic . Both of these species fall within the concept of fantasy. There is also a species which is called Space opera is something between science fiction and fantasy . The best example is star wars that are embedded in the future with modern technologies but also there is magic in it . They have characteristics of both science fiction and fantasy . The world presented represents the characters , events , technological advances , time and place of action .

Fantasy “The serpent and the dove " and " Flame and the Cross” is a series of stories about the Inquisitor Mordimerze Madderdinie , written by Jack oven , they are in the books, Fri " Soul Hunters " released in 2006 and " Flame and the Cross" Volume 1 released in 2008. The realities of short stories , “The serpent and the dove " and " Flame and the Cross” bring us closer to an alternative world of the Middle Ages . In the world Mordimera Jesus did not die on the cross , but came down with him and severely punish all those who doubted him . Faith keep the inquisitors of the Holy Office , tracking and tępiący any departure from the faith , without mercy manner with wizards , demonologami and heretics. The task of the Inquisitor is not the taking of life , and lead to purification in the fire burning pile , which will save an immortal soul. In the story “The Flame and the Cross” Arnold Lowefell is sent on a mission to rescue a girl who trapped the populace revolt against the cruel barons are expected to die. During the mission he meets an unusual boy who guarded the safety of the girls . It has been forwarded to the Academy Inquisitors trained as a Inquisitor , then the girl is leaded by Arnold Lowefella to the monastery Amszilas .

Interesting is the name of the President of the insurgency - Hakenkreuz which means in German swastika .