

  • Если бы я был миллионером

    If I were a rich tycoon, I would…I would build a cozy hotel. Yes, yes, you have correctly understood. I would not build a casino or a factory. So…let’s imagine. I’m 60 years-old man and I had been working during all my life. Now I’m so tired. What do you think I would like to do? I would like to build a place where everybody will feel himself or herself comfortable.

  • bggfggv

    You have got a bicycle, fgdon’t you? But how often do you use it? Or did you just forget about it and use only the car? What reasons can make us change cars for bikes? There’s many pros and cons of travelling by bicycle… First of all, travelling by bicycle is environmentally friendly because you do not have to use petrol and a bicycle does not produce any pollution. What’s more, it’s a very good exercise which can help us stay fit and strong for many years of our life.

  • bdufhfhvfh

    You have got a bicycle, don’t you? But how often do you use it? Or did you just forget about it and use only the car? What reasons can make us change cars for bikes? There’s many pros and cons of travelling by bicycle… First of all, travelling by bicycle is environmentally friendly because you do not have to use petrol and a bicycle does not produce any pollution. What’s more, it’s a very good exercise which can help us stay fit and strong for many years of our life.


    My lovely family consists of only three members: my mom, my sister and me. It was bigger when my Dad was alive. He died from a heart attack when I was nearly five. Not realizing how tragic and irrevocable the event of his death was for my Mom and my elder sister, I could not utter even a tear. I was not being merciless or cruel toward my father, for I loved him very much and tried to spend as much time with him as I could.

  • «Україна в огні» образ Олесі

    Усі жінки змальовані автором з великою симпа­тією, та Олеся найближча його серцю: мабуть, це його ідеал української дівчини. Красива і чепурна, невси­пуща в роботі І скромна, цнотлива й співуча. Олеся «співала так голосно і так прекрасно, як не снилося ні одній артистці». Взагалі була вона «тонкою, обдарова­ною натурою, тактовною, доброю, роботящою і бездо­ганно вихованою чесним родом». Велика патріотка своєї нації, Олеся глибоко переживає всенародну біду − окупацію. Вражена нападом фашистів, приту­ливши руки до грудей, вона чисто по-жіночому вигукує: «Ой Боже мій!

  • ЭССЕ: Я - унікальний

    One could write a single statement - “all people are unique, and I also unique because there is a man,” but it would be too easy, dry, and perhaps not entirely appropriate. Because you need not prove their identity and to describe its own understanding. You can write the truth, because then it shall go on reading and signing of friends. So start because not enough time! Perhaps we should start with the fact that I am one of those born in the Soviet Union, and had his taste in kindergartens, schools and pioneer camps - the usual boy-baby, “zhovtnyatkom-Leninist”, as well as pioneer.


    Nowadays, we can communicate with people all over the world, due to the Internet and travelling. We can meet people with different personalities and behaviours. It is a good way to make friends, so our convictions and religion do not disturb us. Unfortunately, there is a stereotype in the air, that “religious people usually behave better than non-religious people”. Should we judge other people by their faith? My view is that it doesn’t depend on the religion, but on the human’s character.

  • Music in our life

    Music plays a big role on our life. Can you think of a day without it? We hear music everywhere: in the street, in shops, in parks and at home. Music follows us from childhood and we can’t live without it. We listen to music when we are happy or sad, we dance to it and we learn to play music, too. Music is not combination of sounds, it is art.

  • Ресторан

    Eating is one of the human’s activities that it is enjoyable. There are many kinds of food available to eat, no exception is fast food. Fast food is a kind of meal which is prepared or served quickly. Some people argue that by eating fast food, they may get the advantages and disadvantages. These reasons will be illustrated in the following essays. The advantage of consuming fast foods is that it can save time.


    Простеживши етимологію слова “щастя”, можна помітити закономірність. Старогрецьке слово “Eudaimonia” (= справжнє щастя) складалося з двох слів - eu (добро) і daimon (божество), тобто дослівно означало, що доля людини знаходиться під заступництвом богів. У Римі слово “щастя” означало ім’я богині - Фортуна. Саме слово “Fortuna” мало ще два значення - удача і доля. Богиня зображувалася з рогом достатку, колесом і рульовим веслом. Тобто, вона уособлювала божественну милість, яка може бути дана тільки гідному.